What are the 10 steps to be followed in developing a product?

1.) CustomerProblem
* Identify the customer problem.
* Analyze customer needs and wants.
* Assess customer value.
2.) Product Conception
The first step in developing a product is to come up with ideas. Brainstormsolutions and generate ideas, then select the best solution based on thefollowing criteria:
* What problem does it solve?
* How does it solve this problem?
* Who will use this product or service?
3.) Research
The first step in developing a product is research. This can be done by gathering data, analyzing it, and identifying trends that will help you make better decisions about what to develop.
The following are ways to gather information:
* Interview customers and potential users of your product or service. Find outwhat they like about your current offerings and what they would like to seechanged or improved upon.
* Survey your existing customer base (or target market) via email or social media platforms such as Facebook Ads Manager if you have access to those tools at your disposal; this will give you insight into their demographics as well as how much they spend on average per month/year etc., which gives insight into how much value each customer brings in terms of revenue generation potentials for future projects down the road when planning budgets accordingly before launching any new venture(s).
4.) Design and Development
* Create a concept
* Develop a prototype
* Design the product
5.) Prototyping
Prototyping is a process that allows you to test your product before it's finished, and it can help you to improve the quality of your product. Here are some tips on how to prototype:
* Test the prototype. This is where you try out your idea in real life, with real people and see if they like it.
* Evaluate the results of your testing session(s). Look at what worked well, what didn't work well and make changes accordingly based on this evaluation process! If something needs changing then go back into development mode until you're happy with how things are progressing again before moving onto step 4 below...
6.) Testing
Testing is the process of putting your product in front of real users and getting their feedback. It's important to conduct tests at different stages, so you can identify problems early on and make improvements before it's too late.
In order to get good results from your testing process:
* Conduct tests with different types of users (e.g., customers vs non-customers). This will help you understand who your target audience is and what they need from the product.
* Analyze test results carefully; don't jump to conclusions based on one or two participants' responses alone! Look for trends across all participants' answers before deciding what changes need to be made, if any at all.
7.) Certification
Certification is an important step in the development process. You should gather all certifications and legal requirements before you begin to create your product.
Certification requirements vary by industry, but they are often required for safety reasons. For example, if you're developing a new type of car seat, you'll need to meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
Certification can be expensive--and it's not always necessary for every product or service--but there are some benefits that may make it worth your while:
8.) Field Trial
Field trial is the process of testing a product in real-world conditions,collecting feedback from users and making adjustments based on that feedback.This can be done by selling the product to customers or getting them involvedin beta testing. The goal is to ensure that your product meets customerexpectations and works as intended before launching it on the market.
Field trials are also called "beta tests" because they're usually conducted by early adopters who are willing to try out new products even though they haven't been fully developed yet (and therefore may have bugs). These types of field trials have been used since ancient times: Egyptian pharaohs would often test new building materials by having prisoners build shelters with them; if these structures held up under pressure, then they were deemed good enough for use in royal palaces!
9.) Production
Production is the process of manufacturing the product. It involves taking raw materials and turning them into a finished good, which can then be packaged and shipped.
10.) Maintenance
* Provide customer support.
* Respond to feedback.
* Monitor product performance.