Federal Board of Directors


The Federal Association of Student Initiatives in Germany is an organization that represents and supports student-run initiatives and projects across the country.
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The Federal Association of Student Initiatives (VDSI e.V.) in Germany is an organization that represents and supports student-run initiatives and projects across the country. It aims to promote entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity among students by providing resources, networking opportunities, and funding for their ideas. The organization also works to bridge the gap between the academic and business world by connecting students with industry experts, and entrepreneurs.

What is the idea behind the VDSI?

  1. Networking: The VDSI provides a platform for student initiatives to network and exchange ideas, experiences, and best practices. This helps to foster collaboration and support among student initiatives.
  2. Mentoring: The VDSI offers mentoring support to help student initiatives develop their ideas and projects. This includes support with planning, implementation, and evaluation.
  3. Funding: The VDSI provides funding opportunities for student initiatives to help cover costs associated with their projects. This includes grants, sponsorships, and other financial support.
  4. Awareness-raising: The VDSI works to raise awareness about the important role that student initiatives play in society and the impact they can have. This includes through media outreach, public speaking, and other communication efforts.
  5. Advocacy: The VDSI advocates on behalf of student initiatives and works to promote policies and initiatives that support their development and growth. This includes working with government, private sector, and other stakeholders.
I presented the University of Witten/Herdecke with their reward of being the first university that fully support students initiatives (behind: Prof. Dr. med. Martin Butzlaff, President)

My involvement:

I served a full year on the federal board of directors of the VDSI, together with two other colleagues. As a member on the federal board of directors of the VDSI I was responsible for overseeing the organization's marketing, strategy, and fundraising efforts.

This would involve developing and implementing marketing campaigns to increase awareness of the VDSI and its initiatives, creating and executing strategic plans to help the organization reach its goals, and identifying and securing funding sources to support the VDSI's operations and initiatives. I would also be responsible for overseeing the effective use of resources and ensuring that the VDSI's activities align with its mission and values.